A. Sakyiama

Author & Storyteller—Telling stories that engage the ear, challenge the mind and delight the soul.

Passenger Goats

Man riding a bicycle with a goat on his back.

A friend forwarded this hilarious picture from Ghana, of a man riding a bicycle with a goat on his back. After laughing my head off, I was reminded of another goat story. It goes like this …

I Will Do It Later

“I will do it later on, is a brother to I didn’t do it.”

— Akan Proverb

A New Series of African Folktales

A little less than a year ago, I called up a childhood friend, sang her a song and asked her to tell me the folktale that went with the song. She could not remember.

“How could you not remember?” was my indignant response. “You told that story so often, my memory of this song is in your voice!”

After a few minutes of talking, it became quite apparent that she really, truly, could not remember. I was surprised and quite saddened as well.

Let me back up a bit.